Erica Cope takes Buffalo to New Heights: Buffalo Rising Interview
Newell aka QueensEyes Buffalo Rising interviewed our fearless leader, and gave us this fabulous write up on the BR blog! Read the text below, or check it out here: Buffalo Rising It was a little over five years ago that I first learned of aerial dancing. I was producing some events around the city, when aerialist Erica Cope began to make some noise in the local event scene. At the time, it was like pulling teeth to get venues to incorporate her act into their parties, festivals, fundraisers, etc. They all thought that I was crazy even suggesting that something like this would ever work, for numerous reasons. They looked at me as if I had a bird on my head when I proposed that Erica perform. Fast forward half a decade, and we find that Erica’s troupe has made huge headway into the local event scene. She and her accompanying aerial dancers appear at all sorts of events. Just last week, I saw the troupe (Buffalo Aerial Dance) perform at Kleinhans. It was around that time that I decided to talk to Erica about all of the progress that she had made since the days when no one would