Cirque Us Workshops – September 9th

Monday, September 9th –Workshops

6:00 – 7:30pm – Spins and Flares with Maia & Squid (Lyra and Straps)

Flares and spinning inversions, centered spins, weird leg shapes– there are so many ways to dance within the spin. Students will learn different types of spins and focus on finding control and center while spinning on lyra or straps. This workshop will explore how to start and maintain your spin from different heights of the apparatus, and we will discuss techniques for minimizing accidental orbits and dizziness.

Prerequisites: Open to all levels, comfortable 20 second two arm hang, No inversion necessary, but helpful.

7:30 – 9:00pm – Aerial Musicality – Tyler & Maia (Any apparatus)
This open-level workshop will focus on exploring the relationships between the
aerialist’s performing body, the music, and the audience. Participants will also learn how to use the concepts of tempo and visual texture to design aerial choreography that can effectively communicate their artistic intentions through performance. While taught primarily with silks, participants are welcome to use other apparatus
Prerequisites: Open to anyone in Level 1 classes or beyond
Please scroll to Sept 9 to sign up for the workshops

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