July 18-19 – I Hope You Are Fed – Fern Collective
What does it mean to be present in an ever-changing world? Fern Collective welcomes you into an aerial world of their own devising, full of beautiful, dangerous, generous, and tangled messes. Using acrobatics and aerial creation, I Hope You Are Fed is about exploring individuality and connection to a whole, what propels us forwards and keeps us moving together. I Hope You Are Fed will have you feeling, thinking, and questioning long after you leave us.
Fern Collective is a group of five multidisciplinary circus artists who have grown up together through circus. Fern Collective was birthed from Circus Culture in Ithaca NY, and is supported by Circus Culture founder Amy Cohen. Our work and play evolved through our 7 years of being in community together, through creation of shows and performances, and a plethora of learning and teaching. At our collective core is the desire to share the joy of creation, to be honest, to ask questions, to take care of each other, and to explore and express our existence through circus.
show duration: 45 minutes
Start time 7:00, Doors 6:30
Sliding scale tickets from $10-$20 on Ticket Leap
Tickets for I Hope You Are Fed in Lockport from TicketLeap
About Contemporary Circus
History of Contemporary Circus – Popular Modern Circus (historyofcircus.com)
Although contemporary circuses originate from traditional ones, there are enough differences to consider them separate performing arts. Traditional circuses have performers primarily families that have worked at circuses for generations, while contemporary circuses have conservatory-trained performers. Contemporary circuses mostly perform in theaters and arenas, while traditional circuses perform under large tents. A traditional circus show contains a series of acts that don’t have interconnection but are made to create a spectacle. In contrast, a contemporary circus tries to create unity between its actions connecting them with a central narrative or theme. Even the music is different between them. Classical circus tries to create an atmosphere of spectacle, so it uses uptempo marches and waltzes that are standards. In contrast, the contemporary circus uses a variety of music depending on the atmosphere it tries to convey, and its music is almost always especially written for the show. Traditional circus is still alive and popular, but contemporary circus tries to achieve a high standard of art and not limit themselves to only one art form.
WORKSHOP: Collective Creation and Improvisation with Fern Circus
Friday July 19 — 12:00-1:30
Scroll to July 19 on the calendar to sign up for the workshop